Celebrities' Cattery is delighted to welcome GC Fullmoon's Dollar Bill.
First of all, I want to thank Sylvia Cullivan of Fullmoon Cattery
for entrusting me with this beautiful grand! He is magnificent in every
way. He has the biggest head, brillant blue eyes just like his mother (this photo
doesn't do them justice!), small ears, short
legs, and short body. I cannot wait to have his kittens here. I am
really very excited about having him. He will be a great asset in my
breeding program.
Thanks so much Sylvia!

Sire GC, RW Fullmoon Marc Anthony
Blue Point |
Sire CH Fullmoon's Dream On!
Cream Point |
Sire CH Fullmoon's Rain Or Shine
Seal Point |
Dam GC Fullmoon's Dream Come True
Blue-Cream |
Dam GC Brenbill's Petty Cash of Fullmoon
Blue |
Sire GC, RW Brenbill's Mucho Dinero
Blue Point |
Dam Brenbill's Kiss The Money Good-Bye
Blue |

Dam GC Fullmoon's Money Bags
Blue-Cream Point |
Sire GC Purrpals Victory
Cream Point |
Sire GC Purrpals Hercules
Cream Point |
Dam CH Jetset's Miss Texas of Purrpals
Cream Point |
Dam GC Fullmoon's Cool Cash, DM
Blue Point |
Sire GC Fullmoon's Joe Cool
Blue Point |
Dam GC Brenbill's Petty Cash of Fullmoon
Blue |